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Patterned Fills for Grobs


  patterns = "brick",
  fg = "black",
  bg = "transparent",
  angle = 0,
  width = 5,
  height = NA,
  lwd = 1,
  lty = "solid",
  fun = NULL

  pattern = "brick",
  fg = "black",
  bg = "transparent",
  angle = 0,
  width = 5,
  height = NA,
  lwd = 1,
  lty = "solid",
  fun = NULL


patterns, pattern

The pattern specification. Options are "brick", "chevron", "fish", "grid", "herringbone", "hexagon", "octagon", "rain", "saw", "shingle", "rshingle", "stripe", and "wave", optionally abbreviated and/or suffixed with modifiers. See "Pattern Names" section below. Default: "brick"


Foreground color, for the pattern's lines. Default: "black"


Background color (or grob). Default: "transparent"


How much the rotate the pattern, given in degrees clockwise. Default: 0


The width of the pattern tile. Assumed to be millimeters unless set otherwise with unit(). Default: 5


The height of the pattern tile, or NA to match width. Assumed to be millimeters unless set otherwise with unit(). Default: NA


Line width. A positive number. See graphics::par() for additional details. Default: 1


Line type. One of "solid", "dashed", "dotted", "dotdash", "longdash", or "twodash". See graphics::par() for additional details. Default: "solid"


A function for modifying graphical parameters immediately before rendering. Should accept two parameters: env, an environment that the function should modify, and row, the row of transformed data that ggbuild has constructed for this grob (including aes mappings). The return value is not used. Default: NULL


fill_pattern() returns a list of grid::pattern() objects; fillPatternGrob() returns a grid::gTree() object.


fillPatternGrob() expects a single value for each parameter. fill_pattern() can accept a vector of values for each parameter which are subset or recycled as needed to obtain the same number as length(patterns).

Pattern Names

Base name:

  • Pattern names must always begin with one of "brick", "chevron", "fish", "grid", "herringbone", "hexagon", "octagon", "rain", "saw", "shingle", "rshingle", "stripe", or "wave".

  • These names support partial matching, e.g. "her", "herring", and "herringbone" are all valid. However, tiling designs may be added in the future, so it is recommended to use the full names in finished code.

Angle modifier:

  • A number immediately following the tiling design, such as "stripe45", "fish180", or "saw20".

  • Is added to the angle argument; fill_pattern("brick45", angle=45) is equivalent to fill_pattern("brick90").

Width and height modifier:

  • An underscore followed by a single size to be used for both width and height.

  • Or, an underscore followed by the new width and height separated by a colon.

  • Can be absolute sizes ("grid_4" or "hex_5mm:0.1npc") or relative to the width and height arguments ("saw_sm" or "brick_*2:/2"). The shorthand values "xs", "sm", "md", "lg", and "xl" are equivalent to "/4", "/2", "1", "*2", and "*4", respectively.

Line width and style:

  • An underscore, followed by a number, followed by one of "solid", "dashed", "dotted", "dotdash", "longdash", or "twodash". For example, "shingle_0.5dashed" or "wave_2solid".

  • The number component is optional, so "oct_longdash" is also valid, and will use lwd for the line width.

  • To specify just the line width, suffix the number with "lwd": "grid_2lwd" will use lty for the line style.


  • Modifiers can be combined in any order. For example, "hex_lg:xl_2dotted" or "grid45_dashed_1.4lwd_:6mm_sm:".

See also

scale_fill_pattern() for ggplot2 integration.


    grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = fill_pattern("brick", bg = "gray", angle = 90)))

    gp <- Map(gpar, fill = fill_pattern(
      patterns = c("grid_3lwd", "stripe_longdash", "herringbone45", "hexagon_lg"),
      fg       = c("black",     "white",           "black",         "blue"),
      bg       = c("white",     "black",           "cyan",          "beige") )) gp = gp[[1]], x = 1/4, y = 3/4, r = 1/5)
    grid.polygon(gp = gp[[2]], x = c(9,12,15)/16, y = c(15,9,15)/16)
    grid.rect(   gp = gp[[3]], x = 1/4, y = 1/4, width = 2/5, height = 2/5)
    grid.rect(   gp = gp[[4]], x = 3/4, y = 1/4, width = 2/5, height = 2/5)