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If your WebQueue's handler function returns a list, json object, character vector, or scalar integer, response() will be used to transform that result into an HTTP response.

You may also call response() within your handler to better customize the HTTP response. Or, return a result of class 'AsIs' to have that object passed directly on to 'httpuv'.


response(body = NULL, status = 200L, headers = NULL, ...)



The content. A list will be encoded as JSON. A scalar integer will be interpreted as a status. A character vector will be concatenated with no separator.


A HTTP response status code.


A named character vector of HTTP headers. A list-like object is acceptable if all elements are simple strings.


Objects created by header() and/or cookie(). Or key-value pairs to add to headers.


A <response/AsIs> object. Essentially a list with elements named body, status, and headers formatted as 'httpuv' expects.


    response(list(name = unbox('Peter'), pi = pi))
#> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
#> Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
#> {"name":"Peter","pi":[3.1416]}
    response(307L, Location = '/new/file.html')
#> HTTP/1.1 307 Temporary Redirect
#> Location: /new/file.html
#> Temporary Redirect
    # The `body` and `status` slots also handle header objects.
    response(cookie(id = 123, http_only = TRUE))
#> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
#> Set-Cookie: id=123; HttpOnly
#> OK
    # Allow javascript to access custom headers.
    uid <- header('x-user-id'    = 100, expose = TRUE)
    sid <- header('x-session-id' = 303, expose = TRUE)
    response(uid, sid)
#> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
#> x-user-id: 100
#> x-session-id: 303
#> Access-Control-Expose-Headers: x-user-id, x-session-id
#> OK