Callbacks are the cornerstone of asynchronous programming.
If you want to calculate 2 + 2
and show the results, the
synchronous programming approach would be:
message('Result = ', 2 + 2)
#> Result = 20
In asynchronous programming, this task is broken apart into two discrete steps: computation and result handling. Using jobqueue, this looks like:
job <- q$run({ 2 + 2 })
job$on('done', ~message('Result = ', .$result))
#> Result = 20
The asynchronous format allows parts of your code to run independently, in this case on separate R processes. When a part finishes, the callback will be executed to allow you to work with the result.
Callbacks are not limited to just the Job finishing. See the “State Triggers” section for a list of all events that can trigger a callback.
Hooks are evaluated on the main process, not the background processes. Therefore, ensure that the callback functions execute quickly so as to not delay Job handling.
A Callback Function
The callback function should accept one argument: the object that triggered the callback. Functions accepting zero or multiple arguments are also allowed.
This is a great place for R’s new shorthand function definitions (R >= 4.1.0).
jobqueue also understands the lambda syntax for functions (see
# Queue Hooks
hook <- function (queue) { message('Queue is ', queue$state) }
hook <- \(q) message('Queue is ', q$state)
hook <- ~message('Queue is ', .$state)
# Worker Hooks
hook <- function (worker) { message('Worker is ', worker$state) }
hook <- \(w) message('Worker is ', w$state)
hook <- ~message('Worker is ', .$state)
# Job Hooks
hook <- function (job) { message('Job is ', job$state) }
hook <- \(j) message('Job is ', j$state)
hook <- ~message('Job is ', .$state)
Queue, Worker, and Job objects update their $state
described in the tables below. Each time the state changes, any
callbacks registered to that state are executed. In addition, you can
register state = '*'
or state='.next'
trigger regardless of the present state name.
Special Triggers
State | Triggers |
'*' |
Every time the state changes. |
'.next' |
Only one time, the next time the state changes. |
Queue States
State | Triggers |
'starting' |
After initialization, before Workers are started. |
'idle' |
When all Workers are idle. Also, after initial startup. |
'busy' |
At least one worker is busy. |
'stopped' |
After <Queue>$stop() is called. |
Callbacks can be attached to Queue, Worker, or Job objects.
You can add callbacks either when you create the object with
, or later with $on()
hook <- ~message(.$uid, ' is ', .$state)
q <- Queue$new(hooks = list(q_idle = hook))
w <- Worker$new(hooks = list(idle = hook))
j <- Job$new(hooks = list(done = hook))
q$on('busy', hook)
w$on('busy', hook)
j$on('starting', hook)
In Queue$new()
, hooks
can set hooks for the
Queue, Worker, and Job objects. The rules are:
- Prefixing with
, orj_
attaches the hook to the Queue, Workers, or Jobs, respectively. - Non-prefixed hooks are attached to Jobs.
- Alternatively, a list of lists can be assigned to hooks, of the format:
Callbacks attached with $new()
cannot be removed.
When you attach a callback with $on()
, the return value
is a function, which, when called, will remove that callback from the
Default Job Hooks
When you create a Queue (with Queue$new()
), you can
define a set of callbacks to automatically apply to any Jobs that are
created with the <Queue>$run()
n <- 0
q <- Queue$new(hooks = list(created = ~{ n <<- n + 1 } ))
for (i in 1:5) q$run({ 'Hi' })
#> [1] 5
How does Queue$new()
know to apply the
to Jobs instead of Queues or Workers? Unless
otherwise indicated, Queue$new()
assumed to be for Jobs. You can also explicitly specify that
are for Jobs by using the formats described in the
“Attaching Callbacks” section above.
q <- Queue$new(hooks = list(j_created = ~{ n <<- n + 1 } ))
# or
q <- Queue$new(hooks = list(job = list(created = ~{ n <<- n + 1 } )))
If you set hooks
in <Queue>$run()
those hooks will REPLACE the Job hooks from
Use Case: Priority Setting
Below, we’ll set up a callback function that triggers when each Job
enters the 'queued'
state. It will modify the Job, adding a
custom <Job>$priority
field to the Job object. Then
it will modify the Queue’s internal list of jobs
), sorting them according to each Job’s
. Last, it will attach additional
callbacks to the Job to output timing information upon exit from the
’ state and upon entry into the 'done'
# Our callback/hook function.
prioritize <- function (job) {
queue <- job$queue
queue_jobs <- job$queue$jobs
# Apply a random priority to this job.
job$priority <- round(runif(1) * 10) - 5
# Sort all this Queue's jobs by priority (including this job).
priorities <- sapply(queue_jobs, `[[`, 'priority')
job$queue$jobs <- queue_jobs[order(priorities)]
# Add hooks to this job to report queued/total times.
t1 <- Sys.time()
tdiff <- function () format(round(Sys.time() - t1, 1))
job$on('.next', ~message(glue(
'Job {.$uid} (priority {.$priority}) was {.$state} after {tdiff()}' )))
job$on('done', ~message(glue(
'Job {.$uid} (priority {.$priority}) finished in {tdiff()}' )))
# A single worker best illustrates processing order.
q <- Queue$new(
'workers' = 1,
'hooks' = list(queued = prioritize) )
for (i in 1:5) {
job <- q$run({ 3.14 })
message(glue_data(job, 'Created Job {uid} with priority {priority}'))
#> Job J11 (priority -3) was dispatched after 0.1 secs
#> Created Job J11 with priority -3
#> Created Job J12 with priority -2
#> Created Job J13 with priority 1
#> Created Job J14 with priority 0
#> Created Job J15 with priority -1
#> Job J11 (priority -3) finished in 0.7 secs
#> Job J12 (priority -2) was dispatched after 0.6 secs
#> Job J12 (priority -2) finished in 1.1 secs
#> Job J15 (priority -1) was dispatched after 0.7 secs
#> Job J15 (priority -1) finished in 1.3 secs
#> Job J14 (priority 0) was dispatched after 1.4 secs
#> Job J14 (priority 0) finished in 2 secs
#> Job J13 (priority 1) was dispatched after 2.1 secs
#> Job J13 (priority 1) finished in 2.6 secs
In an actual application, you could set
based on
prioritize <- function (job) {
# Give priority to lower number of replications
job$priority <- job$vars$replications
queue_jobs <- job$queue$jobs
priorities <- sapply(queue_jobs, `[[`, 'priority')
job$queue$jobs <- queue_jobs[order(priorities)]
q <- Queue$new(hooks = list(queued = prioritize))
# vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
for (reps in 5:1) job <- q$run({ 3.14 }, vars = list(replications = reps))
Or, define the custom <Job>$priority
field in
prioritize <- function (job) {
queue_jobs <- job$queue$jobs
priorities <- sapply(queue_jobs, `[[`, 'priority')
job$queue$jobs <- queue_jobs[order(priorities)]
q <- Queue$new(hooks = list(queued = prioritize))
# vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
for (reps in 5:1) job <- q$run({ 3.14 }, priority = reps)
Or, set <Job>$priority
in a hook that triggers
before prioritize()
is triggered.
set_priority <- function (job) {
job$priority <- job$vars$replications
prioritize <- function (job) {
queue_jobs <- job$queue$jobs
priorities <- sapply(queue_jobs, `[[`, 'priority')
job$queue$jobs <- queue_jobs[order(priorities)]
# vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
q <- Queue$new(hooks = list(created = set_priority, queued = prioritize))
for (reps in 5:1) job <- q$run({ 3.14 }, vars = list(replications = reps))
Use Case: Rate Limiting
Say you’re hosting a web service, where users are allowed to submit
one Job every 30 seconds. Jobs can take more than 30 seconds, so the
solution is more complex than setting stop_id = user_id
And what if you want to stop the new Job instead of the old one?
rate_limit <- function (job) {
job$t_start <- Sys.time()
for (j in job$queue$jobs)
if (j$user_id == job$user_id)
if (job$t_start - j$t_start < 30)
job$stop('Rate Limit Exceeded')
q <- Queue$new(hooks = list(submitted = rate_limit))
j_A1 <- q$run({ 42 }, user_id = 'A')
j_B1 <- q$run({ 42 }, user_id = 'B')
j_B2 <- q$run({ 42 }, user_id = 'B')
#> [1] 42
#> <interrupt: Rate Limit Exceeded>
Note that the above code won’t completely solve the rate limiting task. If a user’s Job only takes five seconds to complete, then they could submit a Job every six seconds and the Queue would be none the wiser.
To give the Queue awareness of previously completed Jobs, you’ll need to persistently store per-user Job start times - like in the below solution.
t_user <- list()
rate_limit <- function (job) {
t_start <- Sys.time()
t_diff <- t_user[[job$user_id]] - t_start
if (isTRUE(t_diff < 30)) { job$stop('Rate Limit Exceeded') }
else { t_user[[job$user_id]] <<- t_start }
q <- Queue$new(hooks = list(created = rate_limit))
In the first example, we attached a hook to 'submitted'
because that’s when <Job>$queue
becomes available in
callbacks. In the latter example, we attached a hook to
instead because we didn’t need
for that solution. Check the trigger
order listed in the “Callback Triggers” section above, and attach
callbacks as early as possible to expedite Job handling.