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Construct an rbiom object. The returned object is an R6 reference class. Use b <- a$clone() to create copies, not b <- a.


as_rbiom(biom, ...)



Object which can be coerced to an rbiom-class object. For example:

file -

Filepath or URL to a biom file.

matrix -

An abundance matrix with OTUs in rows and samples in columns.

phyloseq-class object -

From the phyloseq Bioconductor R package.

list -

With counts and optionally metadata, taxonomy, tree, etc (see details).


Properties to overwrite in biom: metadata, taxonomy, tree, etc (see details).


An rbiom object.


    # create a simple matrix ------------------------
    mtx <- matrix(
      data     = floor(runif(24) * 1000), 
      nrow     = 6, 
      dimnames = list(paste0("OTU", 1:6), paste0("Sample", 1:4)) )
#>      Sample1 Sample2 Sample3 Sample4
#> OTU1      80     497      34     388
#> OTU2     834     289     320     975
#> OTU3     600     732     402     289
#> OTU4     157     772     195     678
#> OTU5       7     874     403     735
#> OTU6     466     174      63     195
    # and some sample metadata ----------------------
    df <- data.frame(
      .sample   = paste0("Sample", 1:4),
      treatment = c("A", "B", "A", "B"),
      days      = c(12, 3, 7, 8) )
    # convert data set to rbiom ---------------------
    biom <- as_rbiom(mtx, metadata = df, id = "My BIOM")
#> ══ My BIOM ═════════════════════════════════════════════════
#>       4 Samples: Sample1, Sample2, Sample3, and Sample4 
#>       6 OTUs:    OTU1, OTU2, OTU3, OTU4, OTU5, and OTU6 
#>       1 Ranks:   .otu 
#>       3 Fields:  .sample, treatment, and days 
#>         Tree:    <absent>
#> ── 1.4k - 3.3k reads/sample ────────────────── 2024-10-24 ──