Rbiom objects make it easy to access and manipulate your BIOM data, ensuring
all the disparate components remain in sync. These objects behave largely
like lists, in that you can access and assign to them using the $
operator. The sections below list all the fields which can be read and/or
written, and the helper functions for common tasks like rarefying and
subsetting. To create an rbiom object, see as_rbiom()
Use $clone()
to create a copy of an rbiom object. This is necessary
because rbiom objects are passed by reference. The usual <-
operator will simply create a second reference to the same object - it will
not create a second object. See speed ups for more details.
Readable Fields
Reading from fields will not change the rbiom object.
Accessor | Content |
$counts | Abundance of each OTU in each sample. |
$metadata | Sample mappings to metadata (treatment, patient, etc). |
$taxonomy | OTU mappings to taxonomic ranks (genus, phylum, etc). |
$otus , $n_otus | OTU names. |
$samples , $n_samples | Sample names. |
$fields , $n_fields | Metadata field names. |
$ranks , $n_ranks | Taxonomic rank names. |
$tree , $sequences | Phylogenetic tree / sequences for the OTUs, or NULL . |
$id , $comment | Arbitrary strings for describing the dataset. |
$depth | Rarefaction depth, or NULL if unrarefied. |
$date | Date from BIOM file. |
Writable Fields
Assigning new values to these components will trigger validation checks and inter-component synchronization.
Component | What can be assigned. |
$counts | Matrix of abundances; OTUs (rows) by samples (columns). |
$metadata | Data.frame with '.sample' column, or a file name. |
$taxonomy | Data.frame with '.otu' as the first column. |
$otus | Character vector with new names for the OTUs. |
$samples | Character vector with new names for the samples. |
$tree | Phylo object with the phylogenetic tree for the OTUs. |
$sequences | Named character vector of OTU reference sequences. |
$id , $comment | String with dataset's title or comment. |
$date | Date-like object, or "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" string. |
All functions return an rbiom object.
Function | Transformation |
<rbiom>$clone() | Safely duplicate an rbiom object. |
<rbiom>[ | Subset to a specific set of sample names. |
subset() | Subset samples according to metadata properties. |
slice() | Subset to a specific number of samples. |
mutate() | Create, modify, and delete metadata fields. |
rarefy() | Sub-sample OTU counts to an even sampling depth. |
# Duplicate the HMP50 example dataset.
biom <- hmp50$clone()
# Display an overall summary of the rbiom object.
#> ══ Human Microbiome Project - 50 Sample Demo ═══════════════
#> Oral, nasal, vaginal, and fecal samples from a diverse set
#> of healthy volunteers. Source: Human Microbiome Project
#> (<https://hmpdacc.org>).
#> 50 Samples: HMP01, HMP02, HMP03, ..., and HMP50
#> 490 OTUs: Unc01yki, Unc53100, LtbAci52, ...
#> 7 Ranks: .otu, Kingdom, Phylum, ..., and Genus
#> 5 Fields: .sample, Age, BMI, Body Site, and Sex
#> Tree: <present>
#> ── 182 - 22k reads/sample ──────────────────── 2023-09-22 ──
# Markdown syntax for comments is recommended.
biom$comment %>% cli::cli_text()
#> Oral, nasal, vaginal, and fecal samples from a diverse set of healthy
#> volunteers. Source: [Human Microbiome Project](https://hmpdacc.org).
# Demonstrate a few accessors.
#> [1] 50
#> [1] ".sample" "Age" "BMI" "Body Site" "Sex"
#> # A tibble: 50 × 5
#> .sample Age BMI `Body Site` Sex
#> * <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <fct> <fct>
#> 1 HMP01 22 20 Buccal mucosa Female
#> 2 HMP02 24 23 Buccal mucosa Male
#> 3 HMP03 28 26 Saliva Male
#> 4 HMP04 25 23 Saliva Male
#> 5 HMP05 27 24 Buccal mucosa Female
#> 6 HMP06 32 25 Saliva Male
#> 7 HMP07 26 22 Buccal mucosa Male
#> 8 HMP08 27 26 Saliva Female
#> 9 HMP09 33 32 Saliva Male
#> 10 HMP10 22 20 Anterior nares Female
#> # ℹ 40 more rows
# Edit the metadata table.
biom$metadata$rand <- sample(1:50)
biom %<>% mutate(Obese = BMI >= 30, Sex = NULL)
biom %<>% rename('Years Old' = "Age")
#> # A tibble: 50 × 6
#> .sample `Years Old` BMI `Body Site` rand Obese
#> * <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <fct> <int> <lgl>
#> 1 HMP01 22 20 Buccal mucosa 25 FALSE
#> 2 HMP02 24 23 Buccal mucosa 42 FALSE
#> 3 HMP03 28 26 Saliva 44 FALSE
#> 4 HMP04 25 23 Saliva 20 FALSE
#> 5 HMP05 27 24 Buccal mucosa 41 FALSE
#> 6 HMP06 32 25 Saliva 24 FALSE
#> 7 HMP07 26 22 Buccal mucosa 5 FALSE
#> 8 HMP08 27 26 Saliva 35 FALSE
#> 9 HMP09 33 32 Saliva 29 TRUE
#> 10 HMP10 22 20 Anterior nares 9 FALSE
#> # ℹ 40 more rows
# Subset the rbiom object
biom %<>% subset(`Body Site` == "Saliva" & !Obese)
#> # A tibble: 8 × 6
#> .sample `Years Old` BMI `Body Site` rand Obese
#> * <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <fct> <int> <lgl>
#> 1 HMP03 28 26 Saliva 44 FALSE
#> 2 HMP04 25 23 Saliva 20 FALSE
#> 3 HMP06 32 25 Saliva 24 FALSE
#> 4 HMP08 27 26 Saliva 35 FALSE
#> 5 HMP18 28 24 Saliva 37 FALSE
#> 6 HMP28 23 19 Saliva 23 FALSE
#> 7 HMP29 36 25 Saliva 2 FALSE
#> 8 HMP30 24 21 Saliva 49 FALSE
# Rarefy to an even sampling depth
#> HMP03 HMP04 HMP06 HMP08 HMP18 HMP28 HMP29 HMP30
#> 1353 1895 4150 1695 2202 1695 2423 3938
biom %<>% rarefy()
#> HMP03 HMP04 HMP06 HMP08 HMP18 HMP28 HMP29 HMP30
#> 1353 1353 1353 1353 1353 1353 1353 1353