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Quick Start

The rbiom package includes many statistical functions. If you have an rbiom object, you can use dedicated functions for alpha diversity, beta diversity, and taxa abundance. Otherwise, look to the generic functions that operate on any data.frame or distance matrix.

rbiom Object Functions

Your metadata field and microbiome property of interest will determine which rbiom function to use.

Microbiome Property
Alpha Diversity
Shannon, Simpson
Beta Diversity
UniFrac, Jaccard
Taxa Abundance
Phylum, Genus
Sex, Body Site
adiv_boxplot() bdiv_boxplot()
Age, BMI
adiv_corrplot() bdiv_corrplot() taxa_corrplot()
Any adiv_stats() bdiv_stats() taxa_stats()

For instance, to explore the effect of Body Site (a categorical metadata field) on Shannon Diversity (an alpha diversity metric), we’d use adiv_boxplot() to produce a plot with statistics, or adiv_stats() if we only want the stats.

Generic Functions

If your data is in a data.frame (or tibble), use:

stats_boxplot() stats_corrplot() stats_table()

Or, for a distance matrix:


Statistics Table

The function stats_table() and functions ending in “_stats” (e.g. adiv_stats(), distmat_stats()) will return a statistics table. Functions with “plot” in their name (e.g. adiv_boxplot(), stats_corrplot()) will return a plot object p. You can access the plot’s associated statistics table with p$stats.

p <- adiv_boxplot(
  biom     = rarefy(hmp50),           # Dataset as an rbiom object
  adiv     = c("Shannon", "Simpson"), # Alpha diversity metrics  = "Body Site",             # Statistical groups = "Sex" )                  # Split data prior to stats

#> # Model:    kruskal.test(.diversity ~ `Body Site`)
#> # A tibble: 4 × 8
#>   Sex    .adiv   .stat .h1      .p.val   .adj.p    .n   .df
#>   <fct>  <fct>   <dbl> <fct>     <dbl>    <dbl> <int> <int>
#> 1 Female Simpson  24.5 > 0   0.0000620 0.000172    30     4
#> 2 Female Shannon  23.8 > 0   0.0000860 0.000172    30     4
#> 3 Male   Shannon  14.0 > 0   0.00286   0.00314     19     3
#> 4 Male   Simpson  13.8 > 0   0.00314   0.00314     19     3

This table has the following information:


In the upper-left corner, we see Model: kruskal.test(.diversity ~ `Body Site`). This tells us that the underlying test used here is base R’s kruskal.test(), grouping values of .diversity by `Body Site`. In rbiom, .diversity is the default name for the column containing alpha diversity values.

Multiple Comparisons

The above table has four rows, meaning we ran data through the model four times. In this case, it was two alpha diversity metrics times two Sex facets. The first two columns of the table (Sex and .adiv) tell us which row is for each combination. Additionally, the .adj.p column is the .p.val adjusted for multiple comparisons.


The three columns .stat, .h1, and .p.val together show the hypothesis and its outcome. Above, we’re asking if .stat is greater than zero. When .p.val is less than 0.05 we can say that it is.

That’s the very simplified explanation.

Recall from your statistic classes that you are testing a null hypothesis H0 against an alternate hypothesis H1. In this case, our null hypothesis is that the Kruskal-Wallis statistic is zero (.stat == 0), indicating all `Body Site` groups have similar alpha diversity. The p-value is the probability that the null hypothesis is correct (a p-value of 0.6 is interpreted as a 60% chance that .stat == 0). When the p-value is below a certain value (usually 0.05) we accept the alternative hypothesis instead - in this case that .stat > 0, meaning .diversity does vary by `Body Site`.

Terms of Interest

The last two columns are:

  • .n - The number of samples. After rarefying, we have 30 females and 19 males.
  • .df - Degrees of freedom. One less than the number of groups. The HMP50 dataset has five body sites: Anterior nares, buccal mucosa, mid vagina, saliva, and stool. However, the male facets don’t have any mid vagina samples.

Data and Code

You can inspect the data passed to kruskal.test() by looking at p$data. Additionally, the code used to generate the statistics is available in p$stats$code. These attributes can help you reproduce and customize your data analysis.

#> # A tibble: 98 × 6
#>   .sample .depth .adiv   .diversity `Body Site`   Sex   
#> * <chr>    <dbl> <fct>        <dbl> <fct>         <fct> 
#> 1 HMP01     1183 Shannon       1.76 Buccal mucosa Female
#> 2 HMP02     1183 Shannon       2.56 Buccal mucosa Male  
#> 3 HMP03     1183 Shannon       2.97 Saliva        Male  
#> 4 HMP04     1183 Shannon       3.22 Saliva        Male  
#> 5 HMP05     1183 Shannon       1.40 Buccal mucosa Female
#> # ℹ 93 more rows

#> data <- adiv_table(biom, c("Shannon", "Simpson"), c("Body Site", "Sex"))
#> data %<>% dplyr::rename(
#>   .resp    = ".diversity", 
#> = "Body Site" )
#> stats <- plyr::ddply(data, .(Sex, .adiv), function (data) {
#>   tryCatch(error = function (e) data.frame()[1,], suppressWarnings({
#>     data %>% 
#>       stats::kruskal.test(.resp ~, .) %>%
#>       with(tibble(
#>         .stat  = statistic, 
#>         .h1    = factor('> 0'), 
#>         .p.val = p.value, 
#>         .n     = nrow(data), 
#>         .df    = parameter ))
#>   }))
#> }) %>% 
#>   tibble::as_tibble() %>% 
#>   dplyr::mutate(.adj.p = p.adjust(.p.val, 'fdr'), .after = .p.val) %>% 
#>   dplyr::arrange(.p.val)

When generating statistics with st <- adiv_stats(), bdiv_stats(), or taxa_stats(), the data and code are in st$data and st$code, respectively. For st <- stats_table(df = df), the data and code are in df and st$code, respectively.

Column Reference

Care has been taken to keep rbiom’s statistics tables consistent across functions. However, some tables will provide more information when it is available from the underlying statistical function.

Below is a quick reference guide to all columns that may appear in an rbiom statistics table.

Field Description
.stat Wilcoxon or Kruskal-Wallis rank sum statistic.
.mean Estimated marginal mean. See emmeans::emmeans().
.mean.diff Difference in means.
.slope Trendline slope. See emmeans::emtrends().
.slope.diff Difference in slopes.
.h1 Alternate hypothesis.
.p.val Probability that null hypothesis is correct.
.adj.p .p.val after adjusting for multiple comparisons.
.effect.size Effect size. See emmeans::eff_size().
.lower Confidence interval lower bound.
.upper Confidence interval upper bound.
.se Standard error.
.n Number of samples.
.df Degrees of freedom.
.t.ratio (.mean, .mean.diff, .slope, or .slope.diff) / .se
.z Std. effect size. See vegan::summary.permustats().
.r.sqr Percent of variation explained by the model.
.adj.r .r.sqr, taking degrees of freedom into account.
.aic Akaike Information Criterion (predictive models).
.bic Bayesian Information Criterion (descriptive models).
.loglik Log-likelihood goodness-of-fit score.
.fit.p P-value for observing this fit by chance.

The .h1 field will always come immediately after the column it is testing against.

Plot Output

Visualizations are one of the best ways to identify correlations in your dataset. If you can see a trend with your eyes, then you’re on the right track. The statistics-supported plotting functions in rbiom are ordination plots, box plots, and correlation plots.

Ordination Plots

Statistics for ordination plots are the most straight-forward. Set a categorical metadata field to the parameter to test whether inter-sample distances are correlated with that variable.

p <- bdiv_ord_plot(
  biom    = rarefy(hmp50), = "Body Site", 
  bdiv    = c("Jaccard", "Bray-Curtis"), 
  ord     = c("PCoA", "UMAP") )

#> # Test:     adonis2 ~ `Body Site`. 999 permutations.
#> # A tibble: 2 × 7
#>   .weighted .bdiv          .n .stat    .z .p.val .adj.p
#>   <lgl>     <chr>       <int> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
#> 1 TRUE      Jaccard        49  11.3  51.5  0.001  0.001
#> 2 TRUE      Bray-Curtis    49  19.4  71.8  0.001  0.001

#> iters   <- list(weighted = TRUE, bdiv = c("Jaccard", "Bray-Curtis"))
#> dm_list <- blply(biom, NULL, bdiv_distmat, iters = iters, prefix = TRUE)
#> stats   <- plyr::ldply(dm_list, function (dm) {
#>   groups <- pull(biom, "Body Site")[attr(dm, 'Labels')]
#>   set.seed(0)
#>   ptest  <- vegan::adonis2(formula = dm ~ groups, permutations = 999)
#>   pstats <- summary(vegan::permustats(ptest))
#>   with(pstats, data.frame(statistic, z, p))
#> })

The plot subtitles have the summary statistics. Additionally, p$stats contains a tibble data.frame with the full statistics table, and p$stats$code shows the R commands for reproducing the statistics outside of rbiom.

Note that the ordination statistics are not dependent on the ordination, only the distance metric. This is because the statistics are based on beta diversity distances which are computed prior to ordination.

By default, bdiv_ord_plot() applies the perMANOVA test. You can change this to MRPP by specifying test="mrpp". Details on the available tests are below.

Test Function Method
adonis2 vegan::adonis2() Permutational Multivariate Analysis of Variance (perMANOVA)
mrpp vegan::mrpp() Multiple Response Permutation Procedure (MRPP)

Box Plots

Statistics on box plots will automatically toggle between pairwise and group-wise statistics based on the values of x and x controls pairwise and controls group-wise. You can set x and to the same categorical metadata field to get colored pairwise statistics, or set them to different categorical metadata fields to get multiple group-wise statistics per plot.

biom <- rarefy(hmp50) %>% 
  subset(`Body Site` %in% c('Saliva', 'Stool', 'Buccal mucosa'))

p1 <- adiv_boxplot(biom, x = "Body Site", = NULL)
p2 <- adiv_boxplot(biom, x = NULL, = "Body Site")
p3 <- adiv_boxplot(biom, x = "Body Site", = "Body Site")
p4 <- adiv_boxplot(biom, x = "Sex", = "Body Site")

plots <- list(
  p1 + ggplot2::labs(subtitle = 'x = "Body Site", = NULL'), 
  p2 + ggplot2::labs(subtitle = 'x = NULL, = "Body Site"'), 
  p3 + ggplot2::labs(subtitle = 'x = "Body Site", = "Body Site"'), 
  p4 + ggplot2::labs(subtitle = 'x = "Sex", = "Body Site"') ) %>%
  lapply(`+`, ggplot2::labs(x = NULL, y = NULL, caption = NULL)) %>%
  lapply(`+`, ggplot2::theme(plot.subtitle = ggplot2::element_text(size = 10)))

patchwork::wrap_plots(plots, guides = "collect")

Above, the lower-left plot is annotated with pairwise statistics while the two on the right have group-wise statistics. As with other plots, you can find the full statistics tables and reproducible R code in the plot attributes.

#> # Model:    wilcox.test(.diversity ~ `Body Site`)
#> # A tibble: 3 × 9
#>   `Body Site`         .mean.diff .h1    .p.val  .adj.p .lower .upper    .n .stat
#>   <fct>                    <dbl> <fct>   <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 Buccal mucosa - Sa…     -1.68  != 0  2.46e-4 7.38e-4 -2.19  -0.998    20     1
#> 2 Buccal mucosa - St…     -1.17  != 0  2.20e-3 3.30e-3 -1.69  -0.451    19     7
#> 3 Saliva - Stool           0.524 != 0  3.75e-3 3.75e-3  0.234  0.843    19    81

#> # Model:    kruskal.test(.diversity ~ `Body Site`)
#> # A tibble: 1 × 6
#>   .stat .h1      .p.val    .adj.p    .n   .df
#>   <dbl> <fct>     <dbl>     <dbl> <int> <int>
#> 1  20.4 > 0   0.0000370 0.0000370    29     2

#> data <- adiv_table(biom, md = "Body Site")
#> data %<>% dplyr::rename(
#>   .resp    = ".diversity", 
#> = "Body Site" )
#> stats <- data %>% 
#>   stats::kruskal.test(.resp ~, .) %>%
#>   with(tibble(
#>     .stat  = statistic, 
#>     .h1    = factor('> 0'), 
#>     .p.val = p.value, 
#>     .n     = nrow(data), 
#>     .df    = parameter )) %>% 
#>   dplyr::mutate(.adj.p = p.adjust(.p.val, 'fdr'), .after = .p.val) %>% 
#>   dplyr::arrange(.p.val)

Internally, rbiom uses the non-parametric functions listed below.

Test Function Method
pairwise stats::wilcox.test() Two-sample Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test, aka Mann-Whitney Test
group-wise stats::kruskal.test() Kruskal-Wallis Rank Sum Test

Correlation Plots

For an in-depth description of correlation plots, see the rbiom regression article.

Depending on the arguments given to and test, you can test:

  • Is the mean non-zero?
  • Do means vary by group?
  • Is the slope (trendline) non-horizontal?
  • Do slopes vary by group?
biom <- gems %>%
  subset(diarrhea == "Control") %>%
  subset(country %in% c("Bangladesh", "Kenya")) %>%

p1 <- adiv_corrplot(biom, x = "age", test = "emmeans")
p2 <- adiv_corrplot(biom, x = "age", test = "emmeans", = "country")
p3 <- adiv_corrplot(biom, x = "age", test = "emtrends")
p4 <- adiv_corrplot(biom, x = "age", test = "emtrends", = "country")

plots <- list(
  p1 + ggplot2::labs(subtitle = 'Is the mean non-zero?'), 
  p2 + ggplot2::labs(subtitle = 'Do means vary by group?'), 
  p3 + ggplot2::labs(subtitle = 'Is the slope non-horizontal?'), 
  p4 + ggplot2::labs(subtitle = 'Do slopes vary by group?')) %>%
  lapply(`+`, ggplot2::labs(x = NULL, y = NULL, caption = NULL))

patchwork::wrap_plots(plots, guides = "collect")



A normal distribution is visualized as a “bell curve”, where values further from the mean are observed less often. Microbial abundances do not follow this pattern; it’s common to observe high or low abundances more often than a “medium” abundance.


  widths = c(1, 1.5),

  ggplot() + 
    geom_histogram(aes(x=rnorm(1000)), bins = 10) + 
    ggtitle("Normal Distribution"),
  ggplot(data = taxa_table(rarefy(hmp50), taxa = 4)) + 
    geom_histogram(aes(x=.abundance), bins = 10) + 
    facet_wrap(".taxa") + 
    ggtitle("Genera Abundance Distributions")

To compensate for this non-normality, rbiom uses the following non-parametric tests for categorical variables that are based on ranking or permutations.

Test Function Used For
Wilcoxon Rank-Sum stats::wilcox.test() Pairwise boxplot
Kruskal-Wallis Rank Sum stats::kruskal.test() Groupwise boxplot
Permutational MANOVA vegan::adonis2() bdiv_ord_plot() clusters

For correlation/regression analysis, rbiom provides diagnostic plots to determine when residual distributions are cause for concern. To enable this feature, set check = TRUE.

adiv_corrplot(biom, x = "age", test = "emmeans", check = TRUE)

Further reading:


Compositional data arises when the counts don’t represent the entire population. In microbiome studies, the number of microbes that get sequenced is far less than the number of microbes from where the sample was collected. Articles by Gloor et al and McMurdie and Holmes propose the use of their analysis tools ( ALDEx2 and metagenomeSeq, respectively) to apply the proper statistical methods for this situation. Conversely, rbiom does not correct for compositionality. This is because correcting for compositionality introduces extra noise into the dataset and severely limits the selection of metrics and visualizations, typically without any significant benefit to analysis.