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Visualize BIOM data with boxplots.


  x = NULL,
  bdiv = "Bray-Curtis",
  layers = "x",
  weighted = TRUE,
  tree = NULL,
  within = NULL,
  between = NULL, = x, = NULL,
  colors = TRUE,
  shapes = TRUE,
  patterns = FALSE,
  flip = FALSE,
  stripe = NULL,
  ci = "ci",
  level = 0.95,
  p.adj = "fdr",
  outliers = NULL,
  xlab.angle = "auto",
  p.label = 0.05,
  transform = "none",
  caption = TRUE,



An rbiom object, such as from as_rbiom(). Any value accepted by as_rbiom() can also be given here.


A categorical metadata column name to use for the x-axis. Or NULL, which groups all samples into a single category.


Beta diversity distance algorithm(s) to use. Options are: "Bray-Curtis", "Manhattan", "Euclidean", "Jaccard", and "UniFrac". For "UniFrac", a phylogenetic tree must be present in biom or explicitly provided via tree=. Multiple/abbreviated values allowed. Default: "Bray-Curtis"


One or more of c("bar", "box" ("x"), "violin", "dot", "strip", "crossbar", "errorbar", "linerange", "pointrange"). Single letter abbreviations are also accepted. For instance, c("box", "dot") is equivalent to c("x", "d") and "xd". Default: "x"


Take relative abundances into account. When weighted=FALSE, only presence/absence is considered. Multiple values allowed. Default: TRUE


A phylo object representing the phylogenetic relationships of the taxa in biom. Only required when computing UniFrac distances. Default: biom$tree

within, between

Dataset field(s) for intra- or inter- sample comparisons. Alternatively, dataset field names given elsewhere can be prefixed with '==' or '!=' to assign them to within or between, respectively. Default: NULL

Dataset field with the statistical groups. Must be categorical. Default: NULL

Dataset field(s) to use for faceting. Must be categorical. Default: NULL


How to color the groups. Options are:


Automatically select colorblind-friendly colors.


Don't use colors.

a palette name -

Auto-select colors from this set. E.g. "okabe"

character vector -

Custom colors to use. E.g. c("red", "#00FF00")

named character vector -

Explicit mapping. E.g. c(Male = "blue", Female = "red")

See "Aesthetics" section below for additional information. Default: TRUE


Shapes for each group. Options are similar to colors's: TRUE, FALSE, NULL, shape names (typically integers 0 - 17), or a named vector mapping groups to specific shape names. See "Aesthetics" section below for additional information. Default: TRUE


Patterns for each group. Options are similar to colors's: TRUE, FALSE, NULL, pattern names ("brick", "chevron", "fish", "grid", etc), or a named vector mapping groups to specific pattern names. See "Aesthetics" section below for additional information. Default: FALSE


Transpose the axes, so that taxa are present as rows instead of columns. Default: FALSE


Shade every other x position. Default: same as flip


How to calculate min/max of the crossbar, errorbar, linerange, and pointrange layers. Options are: "ci" (confidence interval), "range", "sd" (standard deviation), "se" (standard error), and "mad" (median absolute deviation). The center mark of crossbar and pointrange represents the mean, except for "mad" in which case it represents the median. Default: "ci"


The confidence level for calculating a confidence interval. Default: 0.95


Method to use for multiple comparisons adjustment of p-values. Run p.adjust.methods for a list of available options. Default: "fdr"


Show boxplot outliers? TRUE to always show. FALSE to always hide. NULL to only hide them when overlaying a dot or strip chart. Default: NULL


Angle of the labels at the bottom of the plot. Options are "auto", '0', '30', and '90'. Default: "auto".


Minimum adjusted p-value to display on the plot with a bracket.

p.label = 0.05 -

Show p-values that are <= 0.05.

p.label = 0 -

Don't show any p-values on the plot.

p.label = 1 -

Show all p-values on the plot.

If a numeric vector with more than one value is provided, they will be used as breaks for asterisk notation. Default: 0.05


Transformation to apply. Options are: c("none", "rank", "log", "log1p", "sqrt", "percent"). "rank" is useful for correcting for non-normally distributions before applying regression statistics. Default: "none"


Add methodology caption beneath the plot. Default: TRUE


Additional parameters to pass along to ggplot2 functions. Prefix a parameter name with a layer name to pass it to only that layer. For instance, d.size = 2 ensures only the points on the dot layer have their size set to 2.


A ggplot2 plot. The computed data points, ggplot2 command, stats table, and stats table commands are available as $data, $code, $stats, and $stats$code, respectively.


All built-in color palettes are colorblind-friendly. The available categorical palette names are: "okabe", "carto", "r4", "polychrome", "tol", "bright", "light", "muted", "vibrant", "tableau", "classic", "alphabet", "tableau20", "kelly", and "fishy".

Patterns are added using the fillpattern R package. Options are "brick", "chevron", "fish", "grid", "herringbone", "hexagon", "octagon", "rain", "saw", "shingle", "rshingle", "stripe", and "wave", optionally abbreviated and/or suffixed with modifiers. For example, "hex10_sm" for the hexagon pattern rotated 10 degrees and shrunk by 2x. See fillpattern::fill_pattern() for complete documentation of options.

Shapes can be given as per base R - numbers 0 through 17 for various shapes, or the decimal value of an ascii character, e.g. a-z = 65:90; A-Z = 97:122 to use letters instead of shapes on the plot. Character strings may used as well.


    biom <- rarefy(hmp50)
    bdiv_boxplot(biom, x="==Body Site", bdiv="UniFrac","Body Site")