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Automatically creates directories and adds compression based on file name.

write_biom() -

According to BIOM format specification.

write_xlsx() -

Raw data and summary tables in Excel file format. See details.

write_fasta() -

Sequences only in fasta format. biom may also be a named character vector.

write_tree() -

Phylogenetic tree only in newick format. biom may also be a phylo object.

write_counts(), write_metadata(), write_taxonomy() -

Tab-separated values.


write_biom(biom, file, format = "json")

write_metadata(biom, file, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", ...)

write_counts(biom, file, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", ...)

write_taxonomy(biom, file, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", ...)

write_fasta(biom, file = NULL)

write_tree(biom, file = NULL)

write_xlsx(biom, file, depth = 0.1, n = NULL, seed = 0, unc = "singly")



An rbiom object, such as from as_rbiom(). Any value accepted by as_rbiom() can also be given here.


Path to the output file. File names ending in .gz or .bz2 will be compressed accordingly. Setting file=NULL for write_fasta(), write_tree(), and write_biom(format='json'), and returns a string of the output which would have been written. For write_biom(format='tab'), file=NULL returns the tibble that would have been written.


Options are "tab", "json", and "hdf5", corresponding to classic tabular format, BIOM format version 1.0 and biom version 2.1, respectively. NOTE: to write HDF5 formatted BIOM files, the BioConductor R package rhdf5 must be installed. Default: "json"

quote, sep, ...

Parameters passed on to write.table(). Default: quote=FALSE, sep="\t"

depth, n

Passed on to rarefy_cols(). For write_xlsx() only, depth=0 disables rarefaction. Default: depth=0.1, n=NULL


Random seed to use in rarefying. See rarefy_cols() function for details. Must be a non-negative integer. Default: 0


How to handle unclassified, uncultured, and similarly ambiguous taxa names. Options are:

"singly" -

Replaces them with the OTU name.

"grouped" -

Replaces them with a higher rank's name.

"drop" -

Excludes them from the result.

"asis" -

To not check/modify any taxa names.

Abbreviations are allowed. Default: "singly"


The normalized filepath that was written to (invisibly), unless file=NULL (see file argument above).


For write_xlsx(), attributes(biom) are saved as additional worksheets if the attribute is a data frame, matrix, or dist -class object. An attribute named 'Reads Per Step' is treated specially and merged with the usual 'Reads Per Sample' tab.


    write_tree(hmp50) %>% substr(1, 50)
#> [1] "(((((((((((((EschC738:0.03627,(((Unc92490:0.05748,"
    if (FALSE) {
      hmp10        <- hmp50$clone()
      hmp10$counts <- hmp10$counts[,1:10] %>% rarefy_cols()
      attr(hmp10, "Weighted UniFrac")   <- bdiv_distmat(hmp10, 'unifrac')
      attr(hmp10, "Unweighted Jaccard") <- bdiv_distmat(hmp10, 'jaccard', weighted=FALSE)
      outfile <- write_xlsx(hmp10, tempfile(fileext = ".xlsx"))